These are my memories, my dreams, of you and me*

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The reason

I have attempted many blogs for various reasons, but this blog was started as a dedication to my person – when he went away. My person has gone away again – but this time for the longest time, longer than any other, a few weeks...

I had thought that the agony of nine endless days would be heartache enough, yet as I gaze into the desolate awaiting hours tears fall as loneliness descends and the quietness takes over. Empty, empty hours.

How does one eloquently express the emotions of fear, of sheer sadness, of overwhelming sorrow? Is it best said with letters of love or beautiful poems? Maybe with ceaseless tears... for cry is all that I am able to do...

The reason for this blog is him


  1. oh wow. This is so bittersweet. Beautiful, inspiring & yet sad at the same time. I completely understand this. But, i encourage you, let your longing for him grow into a search, a self-search. Seek the comfort within yourself. You can do it. We are all deeper than we think. we hold within ourselves the power to comfort & the power to miss. What many of us forget, is we can comfort ourselves. I encourage you to do this....

    & it'd be even more wonderful if you could do this through poetry. Do know that though the entire world may not embrace you, there are still many in it who will. I love your style of writing already. Carry on, & when you feel too alone to think, write. write on here... steady on.

    Best of wishes, & my heart goes out to you. ~unwritten truth

  2. (your comment brings tears - beautiful tears - to my eyes! your depth of insight and understanding is encouraging... thank-you! all my love*)
