Six long weeks. Forty-two long days. One thousand and eight long hours. Sixty thousand, four hundred and eighty long minutes. Three million, six hundred and twenty-eight thousand, eight hundred long seconds.
Today was the three week marker of my separation from my person. Sometimes, out of nowhere, breath-taking pain pierces me, the acute heartache of being away from the one you love...
We all daydream - have fantasies of our loved ones suddenly, unexpectedly, most wonderfully showing up and surprising you. This is EXACTLY what happened to me today!! (It is difficult to even begin to express how amazing it was!)
It had started out as any other, totally ordinary, blandly normal day - no indication that this day would soon become incredible.
I had been texting my person, back and forth, all morning - nothing unusual - until he texted me picture of my front gate. My heart skipped a beat. Tears sprung to my eyes. I went hot and cold all over. (Disbelief!) "It is not possible, how can this be, he must have...?" incoherent thoughts tumbled about unfinished in my confused mind. BUT then I heard the doorbell ring... I froze, for all of a hundreth of a second, before I ran to the door, threw it open and incredulously found my person standing there.. just standing there smiling!!
Throwing myself into his arms, endless hugs, being kissed breathless, being covered completely in total happiness, indescribable joy ensued :) The best possible surprise I could have ever hoped for*
A day spent with my person and his family, holding his hand as we move through the crushing crowds, feeling so special and cared for, browsing through the shops together, laughing at lunch, splashing in the pool, my waist encircled as we watch the sun set behind the mountain in the cooling evening, saying goodbye with hope in our hearts... I cannot say THANK-YOU enough!!
To my person - I love you with all my heart <3 And thank-you for today, when my dream became a reality*
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