These are my memories, my dreams, of you and me*

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Things I love about Raynard

(Just a few... or else you would be here forever!!)

  1. His smile :)
  2. The way he laughs.
  3. How he sings in church, but doesn't pay attention and gets the lyrics wrong.
  4. How he plays with the engagement ring on my finger.
  5. His crushing hugs.
  6. How he loves to read. And all the incredible authors he devours. Challenging and encouraging me. 
  7. When he excitedly tells me of all that he is learning about in class and laughs when I get it all wrong. Or attempt to argue with him, just because. 
  8. He makes the best chocolate chunk cookies. Actually he is a wonderful baker. (I am a little bit jealous!)
  9. How he is "crunchy" reformed. But together we struggle through the questions and hot topics. We are growing!
  10. He makes the ordinary, every day, magical.
  11. His generosity, honesty and utter faithfulness.
  12. He is truly selfless. 
  13. The way he teases my sisters, bakes with them, talk to my mom, discusses theology with my dad, walks our dog, and how my family adores him. (Perfect!)
  14. How he was the only one that would teach me to drive - and whenever I drive his car he tries so hard to not freak out and just prays like crazy. Still can't believe he gave me a set of my own keys for "our" car!
  15. He spoils me with little treats all the time and lets me know that he is constantly thinking of me. He never stops saying "I love you" (and I never get tried of hearing it!)
  16. He is open to adventures and is happy to try out new things with me.
  17. He makes me breakfast and lunch every single day for varsity, before the sun has risen, and walks me to the train station - for almost two years now!!
  18. He is still trying to teach me how to Sokkie.
  19. He never complains. And reminds me to be thankful for all the rich blessings and provisions that God has given to us.
  20. The way he holds me while we dance around the kitchen.
  21. The way he is always calm and keeps my feet on level ground.
  22. He loves the beach but hates the sand - like me.
  23. He never seems to be afraid. Even when I am terrified. (He also kills spiders and creepy bugs for me without blinking an eye).
  24. His perspective - helping me to refocus on what truly matters, what really lasts, what stretches into eternity and to live in that light.
  25. His passion for the gospel and mission.
  26. His love for apologetics.
  27. He gives me the last piece of chocolate, scoop of ice-cream, sip of his hot chocolate. He shares when I am tempted to be greedy and keep it all for myself. 
  28. Holding me accountable.
  29. He does everything for God's glory.
  30. He cooks, he cleans, he gardens, he does laundry, he is able to fix almost anything, it's every girl's dream!
  31. The way he can fall asleep just like that. And almost every time we watch a movie.
  32. Related: what his hair looks like when he wake up - it's adorable :)
  33. His gentle care, knowing what I need when I don't even realize it, always making me feel better.
  34. He makes the best toasted cheese sandwiches. And tea!
  35. He is slow to get angry and quick to forgive.
  36. His love is overwhelming, gracious, undeserved.
  37. He loves food just as much as I do :D
  38. He has turned me into a coffee addict.
  39. How he is trying to convert me to love his favourite sports - cycling, cricket, rugby - but doesn't mind if I just don't get it, or would rather read a book.
  40. His talent in taking the most spectacular, insightful photographs that tell a story
  41. He put me first, thinks of my best interests constantly, always has a plan, provides for me, makes provision for the future, works so incredibly hard to make it all possible.
  42. He makes me feel beautiful, especially when I feel anything but.
  43. We dream together. Who could think of anything more amazing than being able to spend the rest of your life with your best friend?!
  44. He makes me feel safe.
  45. His prayers.
  46. Whenever I get angry he just smiles and starts laughing, making me more angry, until I realise how ridiculous I am being and start laughing too :)
  47. His sense of humour.
  48. His perseverance. He never gives up on me. 
  49. His support and strength. 
  50. I never realised it would be like this - fully vulnerable before someone, yet fully trusted and accepted by them, loved unconditionally by them, despite your faults. It is wondrous! He has showed me what real love is. Like the love God has shown us in His Son Jesus. 

Happy Anniversary Raynard! Here is to forever.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Before the storm

Ahhh... I have had such an incredible long weekend with Ray (You make me so SO HAPPY!!) I never cease to be amazed and grateful for who he is and all that he does. 

My week ended with Ray picking me up from the train station with a chocolate in his hand, rain pouring down (the umbrella not helping in the slightest), ready to snuggle down for the weekend. Time has passed filled with  indulging in hours of much needed sleep (sigh of pleasure), watching movies, writing down a list of books that I want to read when the holidays come around again and somehow attempting to study. 

My mother is away visiting family in Namibia and after less than one day already we were eating ice-cream for dinner (and it hasn't stopped!) We love going shopping with my dad - he ends up buying a million unnecessary, yet very yummy, treats. I can only laugh at the plan we all have come up with - deciding what we will eat on what day. So far it is basically eating out or ordering in food for the next two weeks - half price sushi on this day, then two-for-one burger special on that day, but what about getting fish and chips from the harbour, or takeaways from our favourite Indian restaurant, and how could we have forgotten about pizza? (I think that I may start missing fresh fruit and vegetables after a few days...) 

Nao, our dog, runs down the stairs and waits expectantly, tag wagging and ears up, every time she hears the gate open, thinking that mom is home again - it is really sweet but sad (we miss her too puppy!)

Sunday, the wind blew and an icy rain fell, with the fabric of our temporary church tent billowing about, pulling against its constraints (it has been quite an experience these past weeks!) Holding Ray's hand singing "Hallelujah! All I have is Christ. Hallelujah! Jesus is my life..." brought everything back to its rightful perspective, remembering what brings everlasting joy.  

Ray and I enjoyed Heritage day by going for a walk down passed the beach to the lower Silvermine wetland. The thick clouds along the horizon melted into the ocean, both shades of grey, the cool and crisp breezes causing the petals of the flowers to close. Over the wooden walkways we went, alongside the swollen streams, talking about the future like we always do, working through the fears and uncertainties together, coming out reassured and at peace. There is no greater comfort in life than knowing that God has a plan, it is good and right, and whatever happens is in His hands! He has blessed us so greatly so far that all we can do is humbly trust in Him and give Him thanks. 

Like all good South Africans we had a braai (barbecue) today :) Finishing off the afternoon with ice-cream sundaes and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies as the weather warmed.  

I am thankful for brief moments like these, because looking ahead, counting the days till exams and Ray's graduation (with all the tests and assignments inbetween!) time is flying, and we always wonder how we will get through... yet somehow, we suddenly look back, and realise that we have made it through the storm. I do know, though, that I would never have made it through these last years without my King, my family and my phenomenal fiancĂ©!! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Weekend waffles

What you need?
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt 
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 Tbsp melted butter

What you do?

It is as simple as throwing everything into a bowl and then whisking it well to make sure there are no lumps. We usually double or triple the recipe - depending on how many hungry people are present :) About 1/2 a cup of batter makes 1 waffle.

Waffle topping ideas:
  • The classic of maple syrup and a dollop of creamy butter.
  • Any berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries, blackberries or any sweet and sticky jam or marmalade with a sprinkle powdered sugar.
  • Walnuts, cinnamon and a drizzle of honey.
  • A huge smear of nutella with thinly sliced banana, whipped cream and toasted almonds.
  • Who doesn't love and ice-cream sandwich with chocolate sauce?
  • Lemon and lime with a powdered sugar. 
  • Fancy, flavoured butters - like apple and cinnamon or ginger cookie.
  • Feeling tropical - kiwi, pineapple, mango, coconut shavings, granola and yoghurt.
  • A child's creation of oreo cookie crumble, sprinkles, white and dark chocolate chips.
  • Crushed graham crackers with whipped cream.
  • Thickly spread caramel and a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. 
  • Bacon, syrup and creme fresh with a good, strong cup of coffee. 

 Happy waffle weekend :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The sun will rise

"A sight of God's glory humbles. The stars vanish when the sun appears."

These long days have been characterized by excitement and exhaustion. Tomorrow the rain shall pour but remembering these glorious sunrises from earlier this week will keep me smiling. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A weekend with you

My weekend spent with Ray by my side meant: sitting in the glorious sunshine eating ice-cream, dreaming about Summer and lazy days spent at the beach, early mornings at church, in awe of God's indescribable forgiveness, working across from each other, you distracting me, tickling my feet, discussing your assignments with me, fascinated and amazed by who you have become, naps on the couch, baking lemon poppy seed cake, driving with the windows wide open, warm breezes filtering through, trying not to stress for my tests, dancing to Matthew Mole, family Sunday lunch spent under the blazing sun, wearing flip flops, laughing while the ice cubes in our glasses melt, discussing wedding plans,  playing with the dog, prayers for strength and focus, making plans, counting the days till graduation... busy times lie ahead, the end of the year, with all its challenges and adventures, rushing upon us whether we are ready or not, wondering if we will make it, but depending not on ourselves... 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Driving Miss Danica

There are two types of people: those who get their driver's license the minute they are eighteen, and then there are those who, well, don't... they sort of just wait until the very last dreaded moment. I am definitely the second type! I have had no desire to drive, for that freedom and independence... 

Well anyway, today that dreaded minute came, with all the stress, shivering with nerves and knots tying and twisting in my stomach. And while I am slightly embarrassed to be a twenty-one year old who doesn't have a driver's license, I knew it was just something that I had to do! My greatest comfort was knowing that whatever happened, God had a plan and was in perfect control :)

You may be wondering why I hadn't it gotten in yet? I turned eighteen late in my last year of school, had preliminary and final exams, travelled overseas for several months and have been busy busy busy with varsity. 

Driving is also difficult eh! In South Africa all the rules and countless, unnecessary observations are enough to cause you to have an accident! It is not uncommon to hear of someone only passing on the third, fifth, eighth time... So yes I was feeling slightly terrified!

When I made it out of the parking lot, legs shaking on the clutch, without hitting any poles, and over the hill start, revving loudly, I was starting to feel more confident. The test wasn't going too badly - even though I had just witness the girl before me fail. The road test went well too, or so I thought, not hitting any pedestrians, mounting the kerbs or smashing into cars while running through red lights... 

You find out whether you passed or failed once they add up your offences and their scores. While sitting in the traffic office, seeing all those crosses and numbers, I was sure I had failed and the tears started to fall. The examiner said, "You have to come back." I was shattered. So disappointed. All the time, the practising, the money spent, the worries... only to have to do it all over again. And yes, I cried some more. He slipped my test sheet over and tapped it... I didn't understand: it said "PASS!" He meant that I have to come back in a few weeks to pick up my license!! 

Sweet RELIEF!! So very happy, so incredibly thankful - for Ray's constant patience, support and for teaching me to drive when no one else would (laughs), the encouragement from friends and prayers from my family!! 

What was really special, once all the sniffing stopped and smiling started, my examiner and I chatted while he did the administration - it was awesome finding out that his Lord is Jesus too!! It is astounding to see how God provided an honest, fair, yet kind hearted man to test me...

While I have driven his car before, Ray has officially given me a key of my own - UHOH!! I don't think I will driving around any time soon (I know it takes time to become a good driver!!) but in the future you will be hearing of all the roadtrip adventures we will be taking :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tomorrow's worries

"But seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
{Matthew 6:33-34}

Once again, I am so humbled by Ray - his friendship, love, strength and support for me - I would not be able to do this without you. No matter what happens, I know that I have you, that you will always be waiting for me - if it goes well or not. I am so nervous, but your faith in me keeps me going, smiling the tears away. Oh, these busy times! But Fridays seem to be the days where everything has been happening for us - let us hope this will be another good memory to add to our collection. Thank-you for constantly reminding me of the eternally comforting truths of God's Word. Trusting in God, together, relieves my worries and fears. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Longing for Eternity.

"The tension is here,
between who you are
and who you could be,
between how it is
and how it should be."

And how it WILL be.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Nutella hot chocolate

We are all in need of some serious tender loving care! It's Monday, I am back at varsity feeling like I have forgotten what sleep is and already wrote a test. Yes, bring on the TLC! 

And so here is a recipe for Nutella hot chocolate. Yes. NUTELLA HOT CHOCOLATE! (Everyone please calm down!!)

What you need:

  • 1 cup of Milk
  • 2 tablespoons of Nutella (or a bit more!)
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa (suggested if you'd like a more intense chocolate flavour) 
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • Whipped cream and marshmallows

What to do:
  1. Pour about 1/4 of the milk into a saucepan on medium-low heat. 
  2. Add the Nutella and whisk until blended. Slowly stir in the remaining milk. 
  3. Add a pinch of cinnamon and whisk until hot and frothy. 
  4. Carefully pour the mixture into a mug, add whipped cream and marshmallows if you so desire.
  5. Let the hazelnut hot chocolate happiness begin!!
{Taken from:}  

Saturday, September 8, 2012

These sunshine days

This sunny week has been one of...

Rest - taking lazy Sunday afternoon naps, sleeping late and waking up to risen sun's rays streaming through my curtains.

Family - a birthday tradition is that us "children" request our favourite meal and our mom will make it for us (and every year I ask for the same thing: Lasange!) We laughed around the table, everyone talking at once, sipped something sparkling and stuffed ourselves with black forest sponge cake with cream and cherries, ice-cream and homemade chocolate sauce, Ray and I sharing bowl, with me sneaking in extra spoonfuls.

Blue skies :)

Sunrises and cool sea breezes - while waiting at the Kalk-Bay harbour train station. 

Wedding dress shopping with my best friend - love, listening to the stories shared, eyes misting with tears at her glowing beauty, the excitement, joy and memories made. There were Ooooh's and Ahhhh's and feet dreamily floating above the ground, trailing silk, organza, chiffon, satin, lace, beads and ribbons. White hot chocolate, toffee coffee and chocolate cookie milkshakes with chocolate marshmallow, coffee and walnut cake ended off our romantic adventure.

No dancing - after a show we always take a break. 

Walks in the sunshine - Ray taking me back to the "our place" where he proposed. Every day, over the wooden walkways, enjoying the rush of the water and the brightly coloured flowers (they are in full bloom!), so peaceful and refreshing. The ocean behind us and the mountain before us, in awe of God's creation. For us it is a time to escape from work and just talk and talk and talk some more. We love it!

Tea and chatting with friends over sweet treats at Tribeca in Kalk-Bay - dreaming of the future.

Holding your hand and singing next to you in church - happy. 

Breakfasts with my fiance - from french toast to eggs on toast with fried tomatoes, our favourite meal of the day :)

Work and pounding headaches at one in the morning - there has been no working ahead but rather only catching up on all that I let slip the last few weeks of the term with all the wonderful things that happened. I always say, "The more I do today the less I have to do tomorrow..." although it never seems to work out that way! My rule is I have to finish what I planned to do, or have to accomplish for that day - which leads to very late nights/very early mornings. I am extremely nervous for the upcoming semester, with exams just weeks away, but trusting in God.

Reading old fashion magazines while taking a steaming hot bath using all my birthday treats of delicious smelling salts and scrubs. 

AHHH!! - My beautiful engagement ring!!! (Yes, I still get these moments of awestruck disbelief).

Smiles - at being able to spend every day this week at home, seeing Ray between his classes, quick cups of coffee, sitting outside listening to the birds sing, prayers before bed, studying side by side.

Falling more deeply in love. 

Stolen moments of pure procrastination - something as simple as watching a movie with Ray (we never have the time!) while eating yummy gummies and chocolate, snuggled in blankets on the couch, pure bliss :) 

Day dreaming - while I should really be studying. (Hasn't been much of a "vacation").

Thankfulness and amazement at God's goodness - still overwhelmed at the love and support of family and friends, for their wishes and heartfelt messages, for God in sustaining us through these hectic times, carrying us through to the end... In Ray's kindness, generosity, faithfulness and sacrifice leaving me speechless day after day... He is amazing, always putting me first, in making plans for the future, preparing us for what comes after the wedding, making provision, being a godly and mature man, looking after us, making me feel safe and secure... I can only thank God for His grace and blessing in giving me Ray. 

Reading through my new children's Bible - loving it! (I would like to start collecting good children Bibles - one can never grow tired of reading the incredible and true stories of the Bible, learn solid doctrine, understand how each story points to the coming Saviour Jesus, how the world needs to be saved and how God has had a loving plan and promise from the very beginning!)


Well I'm off to enjoy my final days of mid-semester vacation, appreciating Ray and squeezing some sleep, between studying, in! Happy weekend :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I am what I am

"I am not what I ought to be, 
I am not what I want to be, 
I am not what I hope to be in another world; 
but still I am not what I once used to be, 
and by the grace of God I am what I am."

{John Newton} 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A burst of flavour!

The weather these past few days has been phenomenal! Let's celebrate the warmth, the sunshine, the birds singing with this very easy (and guiltless) berry frozen yoghurt recipe! My mom makes it and we just devour this treat :)

Take a punnet, or however many you so desire, of berries - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, blackberries - and puree them into a smooth, fine, or chunky (your preference) mixture.

Add this richly coloured berry mixture into a bowl of plain low fat vanilla yoghurt.

Add a tablespoon (or more if you wish for a sweeter treat!) of clear honey.

Allow to freeze for a few hours and then enjoy this fresh, tart, burst of summer flavours!

Served well with a scoop of creamy vanilla bean ice-cream and shortbread cookie crumbles if you feel like you need to indulge just a little bit :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Love is in the air

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” 
{Dr. Seuss}

I want to congratulate my beautiful best friend on her engagement - a true prince and princess proposal (Hearing the romantic, enchanting story, perfect for them, made me want to cry!) We wish you all the happiness in the world!   Your overflowing joy and indescribable excitement for your upcoming wedding makes everyone around you smile :) I understand completely (dances, screams, cries, sings, jumps up and down, hugs you again and again!) You are simply glowing. I am humbled at the honor of being able to serve you in this most special time, it is a privilege being able to share in these precious memories! It is just wonderful! (AHHH!!! You are getting married!!!) All our love,  prayers and God's richest blessings!  

My birthday backstage :)

Living this past week... the lovely engagement, exams, my birthday and the dance show...!! (I feel like all my dreams have come true, and are coming true, and so much more!) I have had an AMAZING twenty-first birthday!! Thank-you for all the kind messages :)

I had the most fun eating cupcakes with crazy friends at varsity, talking about my wedding (AHHH!!! Still can't believe how fantastic they have been - their joy for us makes me want to cry!!), receiving LOTS of hugs, laughing till it hurts, getting drenched in the rain and riding the train home together... Then it was time for pizza with my fiance and snuggling up, with blankets and feather pillows, to watch a movie - the best way to spend a birthday :)

Next it was off to perform the opening night of Expressions!! My beautiful fellow Grace Dance Company dancers surprised me with balloons, a bouquet of stunning roses and chocolate (yay!!) just before the curtain was about to go up :)

 Nothing like being in the dressing rooms before a show - the anticipation, the nerves, the excitement, helping each other with our liquid eyeliner, false eyelashes and tying ribbons in our hair. We are sisters. It was such an honour to be on the same stage as them - the hours spent in rehearsal and months of hard work, struggling together, knowing each other's strengths and weaknesses, seeing growth, the passion we all share for dancing, how we have to depend on each other, the vulnerability,  the love we have...  

No feeling like waiting in the wings... waiting for the blinding lights, the curtain, the music... your heart flutters!! It is a rush, a feeling of thrill and fear flowing through you - but you smile and you let go, you dance like you never have before, you want to gasp for breath and collapse from exhaustion but you push past the burning in your muscles, turn faster, kick higher, jump effortlessly... for just this brief moment in time, while you are on stage and the spotlight is on you, you fully express who you are... And afterwards, when the adrenalin slowly seeps from your sore feet and aching bodies, you listen to your pounding heart quieten, it is surreal that it is all over, when your put your soul into each movement... you want to cry, but you are also simply incredibly HAPPY!! 

Tonight, the final performance of Expressions, was wonderful. My family (and fiance!) and dearest friends came to watch the show. It is on closing night, with those you adore the most, that you dance the hardest. I have loved every moment of Expressions - the silliness backstage, the pre-show meetings, the awesome music and lighting, our costumes, the makeup (and the nightmare of trying to remove it all), the friendships, our phenomenal teacher, choreographer and mentor, the quiet moments in the darkened wings, whispered prayers, photograph taking, laughter, tears, performing on stage and hearing the applause and shouts of the audience, the red lipstick and gelled hair, the Jazz, the Tap, the Contemporary, the singing, the video montage, being able to dance with my gorgeous little sister, the quick changes between numbers of stressed dancers, how my friends told me that they could see the diamond of my engagement ring sparkle, holding a scared little girls hand, having fun in the finale, bursting with happiness, pride and thankfulness in being part of a dance studio,  sharing a message, hugs and congratulations after the show, winking at the crowd, the insanity and excitement, the warming up on stage while the curtain is closed and dying for it all to begin...!! These are memories I will cherish forever *