These are my memories, my dreams, of you and me*

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Relationships. I have learned a lot. Been pulled and pushed beyond belief. I have been challenged me to my very core. I have been melted down and remoulded. I have been cut and burned. It has hurt. I have been broken. It has been wonderful. It has changed me. And it has been the most amazing time of my life.

Relationships. Sharing my life with you. My every day fairytale come to life. A wonder. A dream. My greatest joy, privilege and pleasure. 

But. It has also been the most sorrowful, heart breaking, devastating, shattering experience for me. 

Relationships are hard, hard work. They are messy and confusing. They are full of misunderstandings. But without all of this they would be pointless. Here are a few things that I have learned from the past two (the BEST two!) years of my life:

(This may not be the most exciting post, but hopefully, at least a little bit, insightful!)

Your person is your best friend. Fullstop. They are the one with whom you are desperate to spend every waking moment. With them life is easy, light-hearted, fun, carefree - simply enjoy spending time together! They make you laugh, they smile and you know what they are thinking, they understand, you can just sit in silence for hours and be content. Those special, romantic evenings are lovely, but they are not everyday life. It is about really knowing your person even better than they know themselves (really!) Your person should make you feel safe and secure, precious and beautiful, totally comfortable - even when you are just sitting on the couch, no makeup, hair a mess, in your worn, old pjs watching your favourite series. You should be able to do nothing with your person and be happy. I think that every lasting relationship is built firstly on the solid foundation of friendship.

Without constant, honest COMMUNICATION your relationship is dead. How often have fights happened because we misheard something, or did not get the full picture? (And you will fight - often!) You have to speak to each other - all the time! About the tiny things as much as the huge things. Being genuinely interesting in what happened in their day, taking the time to know and care about the people in their life, their hopes, their dreams, their heartaches, their stresses, their fears... It is important to share your heart with your person... but this is terrifying! Yes, you will be vulnerable... dependent on them - but that is true intimacy, two hearts joined into one, needing that person like you have never needed another human being before. This can only be based on trust. There may be no doubts, no lies, no half-heartedness. You are meant to support, encourage, admonish, grow each other. When you fall down they pick you up, when you are broken they put you back together. Love must overflow - and with it grace and much forgiveness. But with talking also comes LISTENING! You are walking this road of life together, hand-in-hand. 

It is truly the little things: making them a cup of coffee while they're studying, a hand written note, buying their favourite chocolate, texting a Bible verse they had just read that struck them, holding hands as you go for a walk with the dog, letting them choose the music in the car, a quick "just because I'm thinking of you" phonecall, giving them a hug after a long day, praying with you every evening before they say goodnight, saying "I love you" at every possible moment... there are a million moments in the day where you can make your person feel special and show them that you care. It can honestly make their day. Appreciate them and say THANK-YOU! 

In perfect symmetry, you should be able to let the (annoying) little things go: don't fight over something, that in all honestly, is not important (speaking to myself). Don't get irate about the silly things that don't matter. It will save you much time, energy and immature, angry tears. (Said as politely as possible: grow-up!)

On a more serious note: a relationship must have a purpose. It must be INTENTIONAL. You must both know where you are going and why - and you should both want to go there! It does not matter how much you may like, or even love, that person. It does not matter how much fun you have together. It does not even matter if you want to get to know the person better. It is about preparing for a serious, committed, faithful, Christ-honouring (and Lord willing!) LIFELONG relationship. Yes. Marriage. Or else what is the point? Sharing your life, your heart, your deepest being with another person... just because you "like them", "have fun together", "want to get to know them"? That sounds rather selfish and immature. Relationships are SERIOUS. Make sure that you are both willing to take the risk... or be patient, pray, wait, just be friends (I said it!), so as to possibly avoid future heartbreak. Is a fling really worth all the tears? All the pain? (But yes, I know, it may take a few tries until you find THE ONE... but please guard your heart, please...) 

Most importantly: You are a team - you have to be! It is not about you. And even though you will have to SACRIFICE much, putting the other person before yourself, giving, giving and giving some more, it is not even about them. It is all about God. Together you are a WITNESS - the gospel personified. God should be at the centre. He is what should hold you together. He will never let you down - His love will NEVER FAIL. He displays the perfect example of love, of forgiveness, of grace, of holiness, of purity, of sacrifice. The purpose of any and ALL relationships is sanctification - to be made more like Christ. (Fullstop.) And ultimately to GLORIFY GOD. 

A slumbering sun

"I'll dissolved when the rain pours in, 
when the nightmares take me, 
I will scream with the howling wind,
It's a bitter world and I'd rather dream" 
{Owlcity - Lonely Lullaby*} 
A crisp, cold morning. A quiet train station. Not a single person in sight. Listening to the sounds of the murmuring ocean as its waves gently surged up and down the rocky shore, fishing boats rising and falling. Watching the trains silently slide past, coming and going. See the wavering lights of the lighthouses flicker across the deep, dark waters. Midnight blue faded away into the rising of the slumbering sun. The faintest flushed pinks and golden oranges the last whispers of summer. A breeze blew, blushing my cheeks, a scarf wrapped tightly around my neck to keep the ice away. I could see the grey clouds tumbling over the mountains along the horizon. 

The rain rages and the wind wages war against the cool glass of the window. A steaming mug of soup, warm toast and soft socks keeping me cozy. Lighting candles, melting chocolate, sipping tea while I read in the bath. Snuggled in heaps of blankets, so thankful, so content, watching Pride and Prejudice :) Only one thing could make this even more perfect. You. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Love gather all.

"The quarrel from the start,
long past and never past,
the war of mind and heart,
the great war and the small
that tumbles the hovel down
and topples town on town
come to one place at last:
Love gathers all."


Saturday, March 24, 2012

The love that lasts a life's time.

Yet there are times
When name, identity, and our very hands,
Senselessly labouring, grow most hateful to us,
And we would gladly rid us of these burdens...
We have such hours, but are drawn back again
By faces of goodness, faithful masks of sorrow,
Honesty, kindness, courage, fidelity,
The love that lasts a life’s time.
{Edwin Muir – The Difficult Land}

Thursday, March 22, 2012

No light.

All was still. All was quiet. The air was thick with silence, echoing off the dulled edges of her mind. Hollow and empty she sat bent crooked over her books. Her hand moving across the pages as the hours crept by. Aching exhaustion choking her, her world existing of these same four walls, nothing within, nothing beyond. Shadows swept across her face as the moon sank low. She looked at the dying flickers of the flame before her. With her last ember of consciousness she blew out the candle, staring at the tendrils of immaterial smoke swirling and curling as it rose to unattainable freedom. No light. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

daring to dream

"Deep into the darkness, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no moral ever dreamed before."
{Edgar Allan Poe} 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

a Sea Gypsy

Her smile is sunshine, her golden hair flowing around her, salt water dripping off her surfboard, her freckles bronzing her cheeks. She is beauty, inside and out, sparkling happiness, a glittering ocean of dreams, wild hopes and exotic adventures. She is the glowing warmth of a summer sunset, the hypnotic beat of your favourite band, beads dancing in her braided hair, her beloved friends surrounding her...

She is a Sea Gypsy* "Live by the currents, plan by the tides, follow the sun"

{Wishing you the happiest 21st birthday! Love*}

Friday, March 16, 2012

Your true self!

For anyone who says yes to Jesus
For anyone who believes what Jesus said
For anyone who will just reach out and take it
Then God will give them this wonderful gift:
To be born into a whole new Life
To be who they really are
Who God always made them to be
- Their own true selves - 
God's dear Child.
{Paraphase of John 1:12-13}
Taken from my favourite book: The Jesus Storybook Bible

Thursday, March 15, 2012

the language of tears

Sometimes words are just not enough. Sometimes I am just so overwhelmed by it all that all I can do is cry. Tears to express how much I love you. A rush of emotion, so swift, so intense, that it takes my breath away. 

Just seeing you smile, feeling your arms wrap around me, hearing you laugh, watching your eyes shine with happiness makes my heart feel so full that it explodes into a thousand pieces. It is so completely wonderful that it hurts. 

The depth of unshakable certainty, the hope for the future, our shared dreams interwoven into one, terrify me into utter thankfulness and pure joy. I know. I truly know. 

I am struggling to write this all down... only tears can articulate the soul's anguished... amazed... desperate... whole-hearted love that I have for you. Eternal love.