Perhaps one last post, looking back on this past semester, before tomorrow's new adventure begins!
Every story is a collection of happenings. Here is what I am able to remember, gathered from the mists of my memories...
[Distant summer weekends spent at the beach]
[Waiting at the train station, in your arms, watching the sun rise]
[The views from my train window]
[Rainbows over the ocean]
[Making every possible mistake in the lab, being the last to leave, but laughing the whole way through]
[The lights shining from Jameson Hall, walking up those frozen steps, so quiet, just before an exam]
[Exploring the mountains with my best friends]
[Standing on top of the world]
[Olympia cafe - every week after church]
[Spending time with old and new friends]
[When something small makes you smile]
[Growing to love you more and more every single day, in the million little things you do for me, so selfless, so incredibly wonderful, humbled and amazed, forever thankful]
[The Annex - weekend breakfasts with my best friend, sitting at our favourite table, rediscovering our neighbourhood, hearing the click of the camera, eating the most delectable treats, wandering through antique book stores, vintage boutiques, you spoiling me, dreaming of the future, pure happiness]
[Contentment - walking the dog with you]
[Tribeca - out with the family, out with friends, out with my best friend - gourmet burgers, toffee coffees, white hot chocolates, red velvet cheesecake, but best of all the conversations]
[Endless hours spent in the hushed silence of the library, using every last ounce of energy to study, study, study]
[Warm days means that the whole family gets together for a barbecue]
[Loving my parents - grateful for everything]
[When my beautiful sister came to visit from South Korea for just a few days - the smiles, the laughter, the stories, the busiest week of going out here and there having the most fun!]
[Walking across campus every morning, feeling at peace]
[Day dreaming on my train rides home]
[Eating The Creamery's most amazing ice-cream on a lovely winter's day]
[Watching the seasons change, beautiful golden yellow, burnt orange, fiery red Autumn leaves fall, dancing through their rustling carpet, under bare Winter branches, rain falling down and down and down]
But what about those late, late nights spent studying for exams, or the Easter weekend spent with you, or sitting and cheering for our friends riding the Cape Argus, or all those photoshoots spent at your side, the time spent with friends, those spectacular sunsets walking along the beach, meeting new people, overcoming fears and learning to trust again and again in God alone, those prayers, our evenings at Bible study, being encouraged, those times we sat on Jammie steps in the sunshine, catching up, eating lunch, those moments spent whispering on the couch, or cuddled warm in bed, under piles of blankets, indulging in chocolate and tea, reading book after book as the rain pours outside, laughing in lectures, baking our favourite chocolate chip cookies, being a part of Youth, those dark times of feeling alone, forgotten, disheartened, you hugging me so tenderly that I want to cry, making toasted sandwiches and mugs of steaming soup, and so many other happenings, so many others...