These are my memories, my dreams, of you and me*

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The view from the walkway

This afternoon my person and I headed down to Victoria Bay to meet up with one of our all time amazing, wonderful, favourite persons (and her awesome sister too)...

[Watching the shadows stretch down the walkway as the sun slowly sinks behind the mountain and the misty sea breeze soften the lush green of the hills, taking us to another time and place]

 [The beautiful Sea Gypsy*]

 [Perspective - finding joy in the little things, beauty in the ordinary everyday]

[Seriously, can sisters be more stunning?? Loved hearing of the spectacular adventures of life in India!!]

 [SA Varisty championships, or something like that - running into old friends, watching the swells come in, growing larger and larger, hearing the horn blow at the end of each round, the surfers walking out on the rocks, the waves roaring, the sun setting - feels like vacation]

[Nothing like catching up with the best of friends - laughing, filling in the lost time, hearing of the excitement of the future, eating milk tart (and messing milk tart), making plans for the weekend, feeling as though nothing has changed - which is kind of the best feeling of all right?]

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