These are my memories, my dreams, of you and me*

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A weekend with you

My weekend spent with Ray by my side meant: sitting in the glorious sunshine eating ice-cream, dreaming about Summer and lazy days spent at the beach, early mornings at church, in awe of God's indescribable forgiveness, working across from each other, you distracting me, tickling my feet, discussing your assignments with me, fascinated and amazed by who you have become, naps on the couch, baking lemon poppy seed cake, driving with the windows wide open, warm breezes filtering through, trying not to stress for my tests, dancing to Matthew Mole, family Sunday lunch spent under the blazing sun, wearing flip flops, laughing while the ice cubes in our glasses melt, discussing wedding plans,  playing with the dog, prayers for strength and focus, making plans, counting the days till graduation... busy times lie ahead, the end of the year, with all its challenges and adventures, rushing upon us whether we are ready or not, wondering if we will make it, but depending not on ourselves... 

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