These are my memories, my dreams, of you and me*

Friday, September 14, 2012

Driving Miss Danica

There are two types of people: those who get their driver's license the minute they are eighteen, and then there are those who, well, don't... they sort of just wait until the very last dreaded moment. I am definitely the second type! I have had no desire to drive, for that freedom and independence... 

Well anyway, today that dreaded minute came, with all the stress, shivering with nerves and knots tying and twisting in my stomach. And while I am slightly embarrassed to be a twenty-one year old who doesn't have a driver's license, I knew it was just something that I had to do! My greatest comfort was knowing that whatever happened, God had a plan and was in perfect control :)

You may be wondering why I hadn't it gotten in yet? I turned eighteen late in my last year of school, had preliminary and final exams, travelled overseas for several months and have been busy busy busy with varsity. 

Driving is also difficult eh! In South Africa all the rules and countless, unnecessary observations are enough to cause you to have an accident! It is not uncommon to hear of someone only passing on the third, fifth, eighth time... So yes I was feeling slightly terrified!

When I made it out of the parking lot, legs shaking on the clutch, without hitting any poles, and over the hill start, revving loudly, I was starting to feel more confident. The test wasn't going too badly - even though I had just witness the girl before me fail. The road test went well too, or so I thought, not hitting any pedestrians, mounting the kerbs or smashing into cars while running through red lights... 

You find out whether you passed or failed once they add up your offences and their scores. While sitting in the traffic office, seeing all those crosses and numbers, I was sure I had failed and the tears started to fall. The examiner said, "You have to come back." I was shattered. So disappointed. All the time, the practising, the money spent, the worries... only to have to do it all over again. And yes, I cried some more. He slipped my test sheet over and tapped it... I didn't understand: it said "PASS!" He meant that I have to come back in a few weeks to pick up my license!! 

Sweet RELIEF!! So very happy, so incredibly thankful - for Ray's constant patience, support and for teaching me to drive when no one else would (laughs), the encouragement from friends and prayers from my family!! 

What was really special, once all the sniffing stopped and smiling started, my examiner and I chatted while he did the administration - it was awesome finding out that his Lord is Jesus too!! It is astounding to see how God provided an honest, fair, yet kind hearted man to test me...

While I have driven his car before, Ray has officially given me a key of my own - UHOH!! I don't think I will driving around any time soon (I know it takes time to become a good driver!!) but in the future you will be hearing of all the roadtrip adventures we will be taking :)

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