These are my memories, my dreams, of you and me*

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The tea room

These days are just amazing! Today I went to a tea room fragrant with fruit infused, exotically spiced steam rising out of glass teapots, with fellow, beautiful bridesmaids to discuss our friend's upcoming wedding. While trying to decide which foreign tea to try (ironically none of us actually drank any tea!) we made our plans and ate some delicious cake. 

As I was leaving, it was brilliant running into some of my favourite varsity friends. All I will say is that if you had overheard our conversation you would have definitely called us nerds :)

Coming home I wandered through all the shops and boutiques in Kalk-Bay, discovering treasures and placing "must-haves" on my list of gifts for friends. Living in Kalk-Bay is such a pleasure, but often I am so busy that I just bustle right by the stores... but today I took some time to simply enjoy the local designs and imports from far away, precious finds just waiting to be found. 

Time at home is spent finalizing wedding guest lists, looking through pictures, laughing with my sisters who I adore, listening to all their "demands", dreaming of wedding dresses, having my wonderful mother making phone calls with me and researching for hours on end. It's what we talk about while getting breakfast in the kitchen, around the dinner table, while driving to wherever we have to go, in the family room in the late afternoon... (I love it!) 

And of course, spending time with my future mister in between him writing his exams. I love when Ray starts talking about the wedding, asking questions, sharing his ideas, going over  ours plans together. He is super excited but also calm (exactly what I need) keeping my dreams flying high but my feet firmly on the ground.

I am exhausted but happy. And this is me going to lie in bed, eating gummy bears and finishing reading my novel :) 

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