These are my memories, my dreams, of you and me*

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A mismatch of weekends

One of R and my favourite little cafe's is Tribeca here in Kalk-Bay. In our first year of Bible college our entire class would walk down the road to Tribeca, push tables together, cram as many chairs around as we could (I would attempt to sit as close to R as possible without being too hopelessly obvious, never daring to admit how attracted I was to him - meanwhile he was already enamoured!) sipping mochas from their huge white mugs and talk the afternoon away. 

Since those early days Tribeca has spread across Cape Town, becoming more and more popular, but R and I still hold it close - remembering when it first opened its doors and when we first opened our hearts to each other. 

But back to Friday evening: R and I decided to browse the boutiques for bridemaids dresses (without much success) before heading off to Tribeca for gourmet burgers. I will admit that we do this quite often and always leave very happy :) For R it was Mediterranean Beef burger (with olives, pesto and rocket), yummy fries and a honey nut macchiato.

I had "my usual" New York Grilled Chicken burger (with bacon, avocado and blue cheese dressing) and a toffee coffee. I also brought home a slice of chocolate marshmallow cake for my little sister, watched her devour it and then we both remembered that she is supposed to be on a "detox" (awkward!) Their baked cheesecakes and red velvet cake is also a sure winner!

Saturday's are a sort of mismatched happenings: it starts with me groaning as my alarm goes off, wearily pulling on a leotard and tights, reluctantly heading off to dancing in the cold, coming home exhausted but rejuvenated, feeling truly alive, before R and I brunch (well R makes all the food while I delightedly watch him!) and then we work, work and work some more. My parents come back from buying fresh farm bread, jam, olives, pesto and cheeses from the Noordhoek market and we snack lunch away. Then (you guessed it) we work. 

During the holidays though R and I are able to spend all those hours (inbetween eating) just wonderfully wasting the time away - we laze on the couch, under blankets, he watches a movie while I read fairytales on our Kindle or blissfully drift in and out of sleep, listening to him breathe, hearing his heart beat, his heat keeping me warm - content as the icy winter storm rages on outside. 

Last Sunday we celebrated a 21st birthday in our family - with her raven black hair in braids, colours woven and locks dreaded, her eyes mysteriously twinkling, bracelets clinking on her tattoo'ed arms, rings on every finger, beads and metal making music, a gypsy dancing to her own tune, wild, untamed, a beautiful Spanish princess - wishing you an incredible year ahead! 

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