These are my memories, my dreams, of you and me*

Sunday, July 8, 2012

My winter holiday list :)

Here is my wonderful winter holiday "what to do" list:

  1. Sleep late. Cuddle with your best friend. Surround yourself with soft, fluffy feather pillows, snuggle deeper into your warm blankets.
  2. Lose yourself in a stack of library books. I have mine in a pile next to my bed just waiting to be read - I adore historical romances, the terror of murder mysteries and thrillers, fantasy - but never have time during varsity. You may be at home for the holidays but through books your imagination can travel to worlds undiscovered.
  3. Wear slippers.
  4. Every time the sun shines go sit outside, listen to the wind rustle the leaves, close your eyes and feel the gentle warmth on your face, enjoy the garden while you sip some tea.
  5. Clasp your hands around a cup of soup.  
  6. Watching movies and series on the couch, in pjs, laughing, eating gummy bears and sour jelly beans, drinking foamy hot chocolate, wearing your favourite socks. 
  7. Make dinner for your family - try something new, light the candles, pick flowers from the garden, make an ordinary night special.
  8. Meet with your friends - at a local farmer's market, for coffee at a cafe down the road, spending the afternoon catching up, share your life with those you love. 
  9. Bundle up and go walk the dog down to the beach, around the vlei, squishing through the mud, splashing in puddles. It feels wonderful to be outdoors when so much time is spent indoors - the crisp winter wind flushing my cheeks, a hint of distant snow in the icy air, feeling alive.
  10. Listen to the rain pitter patter on your windowpane and be thankful for all that you have.
  11. Eat ice-cream and pretend it is Summer.
  12. Gather around a fireplace and dance in the shadow of its flickering flames.
  13. Go on an adventure - spend a few days roadtripping, setting out in the morning and just driving, stopping wherever your heart desires, visiting family, just enjoying the silence, the cold, the beauty of the passing countryside. 
  14. Do nothing - you don't get many chances to!

Keep warm!

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