These are my memories, my dreams, of you and me*

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My life of roadtrips and travelling!

The madness of packing, everyone rushing around, trying to squash all the bags in the back of the car, so stressed that all they can do it laugh... roadtrip!

I have been on countless roadtrips...

... Around the beautiful South Africa, the quiet and quaint West Coast fishing villages, up garden route to see the Spring flowers, stopping at wine farms and any unique farm stall, driving up North to Kruger National game reserve, backpacking through the park, watching the sunset while elephants, giraffes and buck drink from the waterhole...

... Up to Namibia (so many times!), along the straightest roads, stretching unendingly into the horizon, flanked by orange sandstone mountains and golden sand dunes rising up out of the desert floor. I love driving over the Orange River, stopping on the bridge between the two countries for a photograph, then standing under the scorching sun in winding lines for hours waiting to get our passports stamped. Hot, dusty air breezing through our open windows, stopping in a small, abandoned mining town, to our favourite German bakery for delicious pastries to eat under the shade of trees. Spending time with family, playing card games with my cousins late into the night, so much laughter, so many memories...

... Around Europe – Germany, Austria, Italy, Swizerland! The breathtaking countryside, rolling green hills, snowcapped Alps, driving through tunnels under mountains... Walking through Munich at night, a Starbucks cup in my hand, admiring the fountains, the busy streets, the glockenspiel, dancing and spinning about as the clock strikes. Salzburg – Mozart’s home town, beautiful in every way – I remember standing in awe in the Royal rose gardens, taking a horse and carriage ride around the city, the wheels rattling over the cobblestones taking cable cars up to castles that seem to be on every hill, exploring those stone corridors, fascinated by the suits of armour, ancient weapons, marionettes, surrounded by such rich history!  And Venice! No place like it on Earth – the walkways over the canals, rooftop gardens, weaving through tight passages between towering, crumbling buildings, pushing through the crowds of tourists, crushed in San Marco square, hearing hundreds of church bells tolling, the wavering flicker of candles burning in the sanctuaries, the marble statues and ceiling paintings in the cathedrals, eating gelato every day, riding a gondola down the Grand Canal, sitting at the edge of a pier on the island of Lido, feet dangling, listening to the water lap against the stones, snacking for supper, watching the sun sink below the Venice skyline into the waters below. Magical. Driving around the famed Lake Como, dipping our hands into the water, driving around the Colosseum in Verona, standing in the stone courtyard staring up at Juliet's famed balcony, then up into the Bergamo mountain regions, like a dream, a distant dream...

... And of course those days and days of driving all around the USA! This is where all my roadtripping began and I am still astounded when I hear the story – my brother and father drove in an old van filled with all our possessions while my mother, sister and I, a newborn baby of nine days old, took a train ride from San Diego, Southern California, to Philadelphia – West to the East coast. Since then we have driven through/across/to nearly every state. Days spent watching the countryside change through the car window, watching those billboards, turning off the highway, stopping at Cracker Barrel and other curio stores, eating fast foods, annoying each other in the backseat of the car. I remember the “small town” feel of big town Chicago, Illinois, the lighthouses watching over a frozen Lake Michigan, standing in the spray of Niagara Falls, ski’ing in Yosemite National Park, staring at the reflection of El Capitan in the dark waters, skating on a frozen lake, licking dripping icicles, taking shelter in Native American tepees, the thunderstorms of Orlando, Florida, swimming at the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico, the charm of Charlotte, South Carolina, the Golden Gate bridge rising out of the mists and rain, the eternal bustle of New York, the busyness, constant sounds of moving meet, standing in the shadow of the Empire State building, wandering through Central Park, riding the subway, holding onto the ferry railing as we sail past the Statue of Liberty, visiting all the famous museums (of course) in Washington DC, running up the stairs to the stairs to the Lincoln Memorial, the tulips in front of the Capitol building, the themeparks in Los Angeles, the wonder of Disneyland and Disneyworld too many times to count, wrapping my scarf tightly around my neck as we build snowmen in St Louis, going up into that silver arch, passing through Texas, Tennessee, Georgia...

... But there are still  a million places I still want to visit – so many places I dream of discovering in the US, old world Europe, travelling through Asia – India, the Indonesia islands, Thailand, Japan – and up through the diverse continent of Africa!

I have come to realize that what makes all of these roadtrips special (and so memorable – the laughter, the irritation, the complete catastrophes, the horrible weather, the most wonderful moments!) is that it was because of the people that went along with me – or who took me along! It’s my family, my friends, my loved ones. Tomorrow morning my best friend and I will drive back home and nothing excites me more than the thought of hours of new adventure just waiting to happen... happy roadtripping! 

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